So often when browsing the web you come across a great article that you don't have the time to read then and there. Other times the page is so distracting that it is not easy to read. For some people reading long form documents is something they prefer to do on a tablet device either and iPad or a similar device running Windows or Android.
Pocket is the answer to all these situations. Install the browser add on and use this to 'Pocket' any site you want to read later. Install the free app on your mobile device/tablet and link this to your pocket account to access the sites you have pocketed.
Pocket allows you to choose between an easy to read version of the site or the option of viewing the full site.
For students this could be a great option for research. They can develop a workflow where they skim read a site, evaluate its relevance and reliability and if they feel it is worth reading in detail they Pocket it to read and reference later.