Technology as a Tool: Understanding what our students need.

Recently I came across a simple and yet compelling InfoGraphic created and shared by Bill Ferriter through the Centre for Teaching Quality and I am posting a copy of it here as it's worth thinking about its implications. Bill asserts that Technology should be seen as a tool that is used by students as they learn, think, analyse and create. To quote Bill, 'The motivation behind the image was to remind teachers that carefully thinking through just what we want our kids to know and be able to do is the FIRST step that we need to take when making choices about the role that technology plays in our teaching.' 

InfoGraphic by Bill Ferriter

Unfortunately in the area of technology in particular it is easy to get this the wrong way about. We think about the technology we want to be teaching rather than being clear what the purpose of it is or how is it promoting the sort of learning we want. This raises bigger questions that we should all ask before teaching anything 'What do we want our students to understand?' 'Why should our students learn this?' 'How important is each piece as a whole and as separate pieces?' and 'How will we allow our students to demonstrate their learning and to what audiences?'. I believe these questions are applicable to everything we teach, even those pieces that are sometimes labeled essential skills.

Consider the task of writing or more broadly communication. Assuming that the writing has a relevant purpose and an audience, such tasks are worth teaching and worth engaging with from a students perspective. The task of writing has many component parts and summed together have value. But do the parts have value without the whole task of communicating? Does spelling have value if it is not clearly linked to the larger task of communicating ones ideas to an audience? Does a clear and articulate voice in a forest of isolated skills make a sound?

Beyond an unclearly defined point in their development our students become self aware, they ask questions and look for a purpose in what they do. As educators it is our role to provide learning opportunities that will develop the skills we know our students will require but to do so in ways that meet their desire for purpose. What our students do must matter and when it does their engagement levels follow. 

As a team of Year Six teachers we run a unit on Climate Change. We could teach the students the facts as presented by each viewpoint and test their recall at the end. What purpose this would serve? I don't know; by next week the science may have changed. Instead we empower our students by having them develop solutions that they believe in based on the evidence that they agree with and then present this to an audience of their parents and peers. Ask the students what they are doing and you would receive responses such as; 'I am finding a solution to climate change' or 'we are investigating cloud making ships to keep the planet cool'. As teachers we know there is much more going on here as our students develop the skills they require to manage and share large scale projects. We have the opportunity to focus our teaching on the little bits that we know are important while the students experience the big picture and engage with a project that matters.

This unit was developed as a result of us taking the time to deeply consider the Understanding Goals and Learning Objectives we held important and ensuring our students would be able to play significant roles in the learning process that resulted. Asking the right questions about what your students will be learning across the curriculum can make a real difference to the quality of the learning that occurs.

By Nigel Coutts

Preaching to the School Choir: Why do we need Sir Ken Robinson?

I like Sir Ken Robinson, his TED Talks combine humour, insightful commentary and a perspective on education that I agree with. But after watching his latest speech (see video) I was left wondering, who is he preaching to and why is there a need for it?


On a number of occasions I have seen presenters use the words of Sir Ken as part of their presentations for Professional Development days. The response is always the same; general agreement and a room full of teachers who are inspired to do great things for their students. I have read some of his books too and agree that education should inspire creativity, teach to the individual's passions and allow teachers to plan units of work that are tailored to the needs of their students. Teaching to the test is seen as a problem and a trend that benefits no one. Teachers need to be valued and treated with respect as highly trained professionals. Students should want to be at school and should leave school equipped for life in a modern world possessing the skills valued by their future employers. 

I agree with all of this and so do the colleagues I speak to about these ideas. So too do many of the most valued researchers in the field of Education. David Perkins, of Harvard's Project Zero, in his book 'Making Learning Whole: How seven principles of teaching can transform education' outlines many of the same ideas. Using a sports metaphor he argues that education should teach the 'whole game', make it worth playing, encourage students to focus on the hard parts, seek opportunities to test their skills in new situations, go beyond the surface detail, learn from others both peers and teachers and learn 'the game of playing the game' or 'metacognition. Again, there is very little here to disagree with. Possibly the one criticism I have heard aimed at such theories of education goes something like; 'Well, that's just good teaching with a fancy name'.

Several years back I had cause to write a philosophy of education, a set of guiding principles to be shared with my class' parent body. It included words and phrases such as 'enthused', 'challenged', 'partnership' and 'powerful learners with the ability to determine their level of success'. It speaks of 'an environment that celebrates learning and education as integral parts of life'. I have shared this philosophy with many groups of parents and colleagues since then and have never had any disagreement.

I work in a school that seeks to develop students who are ready for the unique challenges they will face beyond school. I have had the opportunity to study 'Teaching for Understanding' and 'Making Thinking Visible' as these courses support the development of highly transferable skills and dispositions for learning. I know many other schools have provided their staff with similar opportunities and that the teaching skills developed through such courses are desirable among candidates for employment. I have not read advertisements for teachers which focus on a knowledge of standardised testing or rote learning.

So with all this agreement from educators why does Sir Ken Robinson need to spread his message? Why is there a climate in schools that proves he is correct when he states 'Great things are happening despite the system'? As a profession where did we go wrong? When did it become OK for politicians to set Educational Policies that fly in the face of what the profession agrees is best practice? Maybe it is time we started writing educational theories in Latin to keep the 'commoners' off our patch of turf?

By Nigel Coutts



Google Glass and Education

Google Glass is one of those technologies where the idea alone is enough to start conversations. For those who grew up on a diet of Star Trek it is an idea from that world brought to life. For pretty much everyone else it is technology that pushes right up against Eric Schmidt's 'creepy line'. Even though the release of Glass to the general public is still some way off it is worth pondering what it might mean for Education and address both the fears and promise of Google's next big idea.

Google Glass was announced last year at Google I/O, their international developers event. At that time attendees were able to join a wait list for Google Glass and become the first to receive this new product. What was amazing at the time is that Glass rapidly sold out despite a price of $1500 US and that at this stage there was no product, just the promise of a new way of interacting with your information and of recording the world around you.


This year in time for  I/O Google delivered Glass to the initial group of users and revealed, at least in beta form their vision for wearable computing. The initial response from those who have experienced Glass has been positive, despite it very clearly being an immature product that will require committed developers and time to deliver what was promised. Glass is one of those products that is easily mocked by those who have not experienced it yet rapidly embraced by those who have. Rob Demillo, the Chief Technology Officer for Tekzilla (part of the Revision 3 network purchased recently by Discovery Networks) is one early adopter impressed by the potential of Glass. He describes the experience of having been involved with the program for 12 months as a member of the Explorer Program. To Rob the devices 'notification centric' operating system is a paradigm shift not seen in the tech world since the wide adoption of the desktop metaphor. That it puts your notifications and the information you need front and centre but goes away when not needed is a game changer that takes this beyond the realm of a head mounted camera.

What is important to take away here is that Glass is, truly, a new paradigm for interacting with a computer. Everything from the display to the interface is new, and the immediacy of the system lends itself to a "Notification First" environment, which is a different world from which we currently operate.
Read Notes From The Rocket Blog

For those who have missed the buzz on Glass it a small projector mounted to a spectacle frame so that it can present information to its wearer via one eye. Linked to the users phone and thus to the internet, social networks, emails and GPS the device is very aware of its users personal information. By combining data from all of these sources augmented with live information from its camera and microphones Glass becomes a powerful device for a new augmented reality. Backed by the information processing power of Google, Glass knows more about you and your daily routine than you do. It knows your schedule, your interests, your commute and it combines this with detailed real time data about where you are to deliver meaningful data. Your calendar will tell you when you have a meeting, Glass will let you know when you need to leave given local traffic data, indicate when you are near that speciality store you searched for two days ago and then show you the LinkedIn page for each person at the meeting.

See how glass works on Edudemic

So far much of the attention around Glass has centred on its camera. Initial reports were that this would be an always on device that would capture all that its wearer saw. This is not the case but fears persist that the device will be misused and the world will be flooded with privacy invading images captured in public toilets. It is this type of hysteria that must be overcome for the device to succeed and as a result facial detection has not yet been permitted. It is almost certain that the initial conversations in school will focus on these fears of privacy. Even now few schools are comfortable with smartphones due the camera risk and unrestricted internet.

When Glass becomes publicly available at a price point that is less prohibitive it will undoubtedly begin to appear in schools. Most likely this will begin with students who are early adopters of new technology and whose parents are willing to support the purchase of a new toy. The response is likely to be a swift ban but overtime will this change. There is real potential in such a device but unlike other disruptive technologies the use case is not as immediately apparent. Glass is not the re-imagining of an existing product into a new form factor, a laptop with a virtual keyboard as in a tablet. Schools will need to evaluate the potential of a notification based operating system that prompts students with relevant information as and when they require it.

Sugata Mitra in an article for the Guardian questioned our romantic attachment to previous models for learning. He questions a school model that locks students away from the Internet and sets strict conditions for assessments yet has the goal of preparing students for adult life where they will be expected to make use of every option available for exploration and collaboration. We know our students will enter an increasingly connected world but continue to teach them in ways that are perfectly suited to the early 19th Century. The potential of Glass is that it becomes the mechanism that provides its wearer with the information they need, when they need it. In a school system that values deep thinking, analysis and evaluation of knowledge over the restatement of facts, this ease of access to data should be seen as an advantage. Glass has the potential to free the student's minds from the recall of information and allow them to have it popped into view as they require it. Visual search in art lessons, notes linked to a video, easy access to search results via speech commands, new options for collaboration and the many uses yet to be thought of. For Glass these are such early days that it is likely to be our students who will be the ones to invent the use cases for such a device.

Once we move beyond Glass as a device the students bring to class with them and think of its potential as a device worn by teachers the options change. Imagine a class with a teacher and students wearing Glass. A class in which every member is able to access and share information, record photos and video from their point of view and review what has been recorded. In some respects the idea might be frightening and one that raises many new questions, how do we control access?, how do we prevent sharing of these videos?, how will we prevent cyber-bullying?, how do we ensure equity of access to a new and expensive technology? All are significant and valid questions and yet the prospect of a classroom of Glass empowered learners is worth pondering.

What might this Glass enabled class look like? What might Glass enable and how may it enhance the learning of the students? Many ideas come forward when you ponder these questions. A students struggling with a Maths problem replays the steps they have taken and recorded. A teacher records a lesson from their perspective and edits this together with views from the student's perspective as a tool for revision and reflection. Teachers view online a colleague's lesson and offer suggestions in real time that appear in the teachers eye-line. A specialist or behavioural expert observes a child for signs of a learning disability as they work in their classroom with their teacher. Students on an excursion or field trip capture images and videos of what they see, share notes with classmates and have access to information from the internet to augment their experience. Students working in a group record their interactions for review after the lesson, to identify how they worked together and to ensure the ideas of all members are considered. While watching a video students back channel ideas and perspective with students across the globe, while the teachers are able to pose questions without the need to pause the film. A teacher shares a positive moment recorded from their class with an anxious parent or presents a clearer picture of a child's behaviour. 

This video shows how Andrew Vanden Heuvel used Glass to inspire Physics students


It will be most interesting to see how people respond to Glass and other wearable technologies. The response of the wider community will play an important role in how these ideas are accepted in areas such as education but as educators we should consider honestly and openly the potential or not that is presented. If a new tool offers genuine advantages to our students then we should give it due thought. If it is a tool that our students will be expected to master then it deserves our time too. If it is just a new shiny toy then it is perhaps best left for playtime. Where Glass fits in this scale is far from decided at this point.

By Nigel Coutts

Because we need inspiring people

As individuals and as a society we need people who inspire us. Maybe they are Heroes, maybe they are just people we would like to be a little bit more like. ​Chris Hadfield is one such person. In addition to being an astronaut, a profession that is undoubtedly cool, he has produced the first music video ever filmed in space. If what we aim to do as teachers is to inspire our students, then Chris is a great role model for them to follow.

Leadership for Everyone

Leadership is a skill and attitude we are keen to promote in our students. To do so we provide numerous opportunities for this and a variety of formal Leadership Positions. Even so it is worth asking what does it mean to be a leader and how can we provide every student with the experience of leadership.

There is much debate about the nature of leadership and the character attributes that make an effective leader. Some feel strongly that leadership is an innate quality and that some people have it and others don't. This form of Natural Leadership is not common and while schools can encourage the growth and positive application of these characteristics this approach offers little to those who are not natural leaders. The other side of the coin is that leadership is a set of behaviours, attitudes and knowledge that can be learned. If this is so then schools can make a real impact in developing leaders.

The second question is how can we provide every child with leadership experiences? Even if we subscribe to the Natural Leader model we may never see this side of a student unless we provide the right experiences. The video below provides an answer to this by viewing Leadership not as the actions of the great and mighty but as the little actions we can all take that change a life. Drew Dudley relates Everyday Leadership to Lollipop Moments based on a story of how he came to realise the potential he had to change lives. This is a TED Talk worth sharing and discussing with your students.

TEDxToronto is the official TEDx conference for Toronto, Canada. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, it brings together the city's foremost thought leaders, change makers and everyday people from each discipline and challenges them to deliver powerful, unforgettable and unique TEDxTalks. The theme of the second annual conference was A Call to Action.


It goes without saying that we become teachers out of a deep desire to effect the development of our students, to play a role in their path to maturity, knowledge and understanding. But in addition to shaping the future citizens of our society there are other good reasons for selecting teaching as a profession. In the long term one of the most interesting aspects of the profession is the ever changing nature of the challenges each new batch of students bring and with this the constant demands on your creativity, knowledge and problem solving skills as you strive to meet the needs of every student.

Teaching is never dull and unlike many professions it provides an ongoing intellectual and creative challenge. Teaching is often more like performance art in which we combine our ideas, our beliefs and values with resources designed for the task into a highly choreographed dance that results in our audience leaving the room a little more able than when they entered. Visit any primary school classroom and you see the evidence of this performance on the walls and hanging from the ceilings and if you look closely you will see the creative spirit of the teacher and students.

A concerning trend in education is placing this creativity at risk and as a profession we must decide if this is good or bad for our students. Education is big business and always has been but increasingly Big Business is seeing it as a potential market and this could change the landscape for teachers, schools and students.

As Education shifts from Text Books to online and blended learning has created a new market sector and the publishing houses and media conglomerates are likely to pounce. There is real potential here to develop teaching resources and programmes that fill the gap for schools looking to provide what is seen as a 21st Century Education. For a large media company with a stockpile of digital resources and a staff of developers and editors the potential of selling an App or Managed Learning Environment must be alluring. For schools adjusting to the demands of a new syllabus or common core standards the offer a tailored programme is also tempting especially if it is marketed as supporting the new objectives and outcomes.

Text books for a long time have been seen as the easy way out, the but of jokes about bad teaching practices in which the teacher input to a lesson is "Open your text to page 45 and answer the questions at the end of the chapter". Good teachers didn't do this even if they made use of texts. We picked pieces that supported our lessons, used a page here and there for independent practise or used illustrations to support our teaching. We were in charge of the process and wove the resources we had at our fingertips into our craft. Will this continue when programmes are crafted by large media houses who protect their intellectual property with Digital Right Management? 

A continuing challenge faced by schools is how to implement new ideas that move their teachers forward and challenge the tried and trusted practices of the past. Resistance to change is real. One strategy schools have used is to buy into a programme that achieves the desired goal. One example of this is seen in an attempt to encourage the use of an integrated inquiry based approach to learning that included an awareness of individual learning styles. Key staff in the school undertook extensive research and all staff involved were provided with extensive support and PD. In the end it was considered easier to implement the Middle Years Programme as developed by the International Baccalaureate. Had the school done this it would have had an easy to follow programme with ready made resources for teachers to follow and less opportunity for resistance. In the end the project was disbanded.

The same pattern can be seen in other areas. In the realm of thinking skills and learner behaviours that promote success there are numerous paths a school can take. Bloom's Taxonomy, Dimensions of Learning, Habits of Mind, De Bono's Thinkers Hats, Gardner's Multiple Intelligences are all employed by schools to varying degrees to achieve the desired goal of supporting positive behaviours in their learners. As these are Open ideas researched and shared openly and collectively schools are free to implement them in ways they see fit. The varying models for implementing this are as diverse as the schools that use them. But there are those who see this as an area for commercial gain and thus in place of developing a programme to implement these behaviours it is possible to purchase a set of resources designed to do it for you and with this to buy into a system for teaching and learning a key set of skills. But will the results be as effective as homegrown solution, will the desired level of ownership be achieved and if not does having an integrated system provide sufficient benefits for this not to matter.

I am not saying that this is bad thing, only that it is different perhaps from the way schools and teachers have operated and that it is a change that is likely to accelerate. As education becomes increasingly commercial will lose something of the craft that went with the profession? Will we give up ownership for well polished and presented resources? In the end the question has to go back to 'what is best for our learners?' Do they learn more from a teacher who gives them access to the best resources or do they learn more from a teacher whose classroom is full of their spirit and soul?

By Nigel Coutts

Google Reader, Skeumorphism, Games, Apps and Schools

On October 7th 2005 Google launched its Reader platform. Designed to be the best RSS (Real Simple Subscription) aggregator Reader grew to quickly become the most popular platform of its type. Despite its initial popularity on March 13th Google announced that Reader will be no more and that from July 1 its users will need to find an alternative service. For those who follow tech, Reader is just another example of an idea that had its day and has now been replaced by new processes. For schools Reader's demise has further implications and possibly a lesson for how we plan for teaching with and about ICT.

In the world of technology, change is inevitable. New ideas, new ways of working and interacting are driven both by advances in what is possible but also in response to our changing needs and wants. Faster chips, high speed connections and ubiquitous access are creating online communities that invent services to cater for their needs. As the needs of the community change and evolve so new services arise to meet those needs. Sometimes the new service creates a community of users around it, sometimes the service is a response to a community. 

Reader has gone away, not because people no longer want to have a one stop shop for their news but because new services have moved this community of RSS users on to other ideas. Why have a bland page of feeds when Flipboard presents you with a beautiful magazine like interface or Pinterest that provides a compelling experience by tapping straight into our desire for visual stimulation. 

David Winer the alleged inventor of Podcasting (a media distribution system that relies on RSS) says that the average user of the RSS model has moved on to living in a 'River of News'. Unlike RSS where the news is gathered together in one place 'The River of News' model involves watching a stream of news go by and the individual consuming the pieces they want. It is all very fast moving and focused on the immediate. In short it is Twitter. Twitter is not just short in terms of characters, but short in life span. Tweets come and go and the average user might see at best the tweets from the past hour. The perfect news source for the instant gratification, short attention span generation.

Of course Reader is only the latest victim of the pace of change. Some readers might recall MySpace. It had a huge user base, the backing of big names from the world of music and Hollywood and the financial might of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Founded in 2003 it allowed its users to create personalised profile pages to share with the world and in doing so build a community. MySpace was the next big thing, until in 2008 Facebook eclipsed it as the place to be seen on the web. In 2007 MySpace had an estimated value of $12 billion, by 2011 that value had plummeted to between $50 & $200 million.

Today Facebook is king and has over 1 billion active users. Some believe Facebook will survive and along with other tech giants, such as Google and Wikipedia, will survive the next 100 years. But in 2009 Forbes published a list of companies that would survive this timespan. Few would have argued the merit of Eastman Kodak appearing on this list and yet today the company is in receivership and the iconic red and yellow brand that started the careers of so many photographers and was immortalised in song by Simon & Garfunkel is likely to pass from memory. Mark Zuckerberg surely knows he can not rest easy, for Facebook the pressure is to invent the next big thing or be replaced by it.

Google founder and CEO Larry Page understands the need for innovation. His company is famous for the motto, 'Fail Fast'. When interviewed on the importance of 'Moon Shots' (Big New Ideas) he described the difficulties faced by companies that don't think big,

"That’s why most companies decay slowly over time. They tend to do approximately what they did before, with a few minor changes. It’s natural for people to want to work on things that they know aren’t going to fail. But incremental improvement is guaranteed to be obsolete over time. Especially in technology, where you know there’s going to be non-incremental change." (Larry Page interviewed by Steven Levy of Wired) 

These thoughts are echoed by John Herlihy in the quote below courtesy of "Business & Finance" - 

"Part of our culture is that we celebrate failure," says John Herlihy, who heads up Google's European operations centre in Barrow Street. "It's okay to fail here. If you are not failing enough, then you are not taking enough risks. When the Romans used to ransack Europe, they had this fantastic model where they would send scouts out in five different directions. The four that didn't come back, they knew not to go in that direction. So what we do here is fail and fail fast." 

So what does this mean for schools.

Most school systems, by comparison to Tech companies, move at a glacial pace. We invest our time and resources into projects that will take in excess of thirteen years to meet fruition. We plan for our students a journey that will take them from early childhood to adulthood via a series of carefully planned stages. Each phase or stage of learning builds on what went before and prepares them carefully for the one ahead. In maths students are firstly introduced to a set of symbols learning to move their minds and vocal chords around the sounds required to verbalise them. Sometime after they are performing operations with these numbers and are expected to solve simple problems, eventually they will know the inner workings of a complex system of numbers and symbols and face the challenge, if they wish, to discover new ideas where they apply their carefully developed understandings as mathematicians.

But technology challenges this system of carefully planned teaching and learning and lately it has been smashing it to pieces. 

All schools at some stage develop a strategy for teaching through and learning about ICT. We evaluate the needs of our students and the possibilities available to them and design programmes and resource acquisitions around these evaluations. A key part of this is typically the development of a scope and sequence of skills required of all computer users. With great care and diligence we map out a progression of knowledge required from beginner to expert.

Not all that long ago such a goal may have been achievable. Students would need to understand the fundamentals of opening and creating new documents, saving files to a folder and printing final copies. We would teach students how to copy and paste text or images from one file to another or from webpages. As students progressed they may learn keyboard short cuts for some of these operations and move from simple programs to more advanced ones with more options. Many schools taught students to touch type confident that such a skill would be as crucial as handwriting, assured that QWERTY would be with us for a long time to come. Some schools used Windows and so taught the subtle nuances of that system, others used Apple, all seemed to use Office and with that Word and Powerpoint. 

In more recent times schools have started to understand the need for their students to be versatile in their approach to technology. We have made efforts to be platform agnostic. To teach students to understand the common elements between operating systems. To read the symbols that make these platform intuitive to the user. Need to save a file, look for a picture of a disk, a pair of arrows pointing apart enlarges something, pointing together makes it smaller. Software designers tried to help by making icons that looked like items we use in the real world. This is what has come to be known as Skeumorphic design, a strategy that Apple took to extremes under the guidance of Steve Jobs.

But today the pace and scale of change means even these simple skills are of questionable value. 

The first big change to deal with is Touch. With the birth of the iPhone and then the iPad the way we interact with our devices started to shift. What this means for the existing paradigms of Graphic User Interfaces is still to be seen. Windows Eight will introduce its users to a new world of swipes and gestures. Developers for the three major platforms (iOS, Android, Windows 8) are all experimenting with different ways of interacting with their programs. Some aim for single handed use, others two thumbs, some a hybrid of touch and onscreen keyboard. The impact of voice control is yet to be seen. Do we now teach thumb typing and if so do we teach pick & peck or swipe?

With the passing of Steve Jobs even Apple is re-evaluating its passion for Skeumorphic design. Under the guidance of Sir Jony Ives we are set to see a flatter modern interface that takes its cues from a digital world and no longer mimics the physical. This new design language which was perhaps first seen in Windows 8 has few standards or conventions and yet the digital natives who use these devices are still able to discover its secrets.  

Apple has also turned us away from many of our typical routines. Create a new file on an Apple Computer or iOS device and you will discover some big changes. The way we save documents has changed, much of the process is automatic and to the cloud. Other than the first save it all happens without you doing a thing. Close an application and the document is saved in its latest form. As iOS and OSX share more features the features we are used to on our desktop computers will increasingly give way to those we use on our touch based devices, at some point many say the traditional Apple Computer will go away and we will all be using iPads.

Maybe schools should look at Microsoft for a vision of the future, not that Windows 8 is a great success but that here we see a once mighty company struggling to keep up with the pace of change; to discover the next big thing before it runs them over.

Microsoft was once mighty and feared by all. If it released a product into a category already occupied it was certain that the existing product would not survive. Microsoft was late to the internet but with its launch of Internet Explorer it both crushed Netscape and introduced the world to the term 'Anti-trust'. Microsoft has also been late to 'Touch' (it is recognised by the author that this statement belies the complexity of Microsoft's Tablet history). We now see Microsoft reinventing its core product, Windows, and in doing so forcing its users onto a new way of working and interacting. The Start button which has been with us since Windows 95 is gone, despite the many protests. 

Microsoft has launched two products onto the market, one which points to its needs to allow users to slowly transition, the other a sign of where they are going and where they hope to take their users.

Surface RT, is to many the future. It is a stripped bare Tablet operating system. It runs programs only from the Windows Store and is a clear response by Microsoft to the success of the iPad and more recently Android Tablets. Microsoft's other recent release is Surface Pro, a touch screen computer running a full version of Windows 8. It will run existing Windows programs and offers a traditional desktop environment although with no start button. The question is which product will survive, RT or Pro. My money is with RT, the Real Thing, the future, but not what we predicted. 

Presently the future for Windows 8 is bleak. It is unpopular and has been branded by many a fail of the same magnitude as Vista. For those without Touch it is difficult to use and breaks many traditional workflows so much loved by power users. Many tech pundits are already looking ahead to Windows 9 as the saviour. Others are looking to alternatives. Many users are quite happy with their Tablets or Phablets running Android or iOS. In a twist from the trajectory that technology was on, speed and power are of less importance than portability and convenience. The best device is the one you have with you.

Google has other plans. Their Chromebook computer runs no software besides a web browser. All services and file storage is provided via the cloud. The device and its significance as the holder of the users information and programs is removed entirely. For the user all that matters is their Google login as with this they have access to their digital world as they want it, on any device. Switch from one Chromebook to another and the experience you have with it will be identical to the one you have with your Chromebook. For a user coming from a traditional computer paradigm this presents numerous challenges but for the new user or one who has already shifted life to the cloud the experience is very smooth. For the up and coming generation of Digital Natives the demands of maintaing an expensive set of software on a bulky virus prone device are easily shed in favour of devices that just get them to their stuff, their community, their online life.

So how should schools approach ICT? What can we realistically hope to achieve for our students?

Instead of starting with the tool we need to first look at the purposes we wish to achieve. Learning any skill or piece of knowledge has no value if it is not to be applied to a meaningful task and the use of technology is no different. When looked at this way the constant changes to the tools available has little impact; the purposes remain the same. Our students will always need to Inquire, to use the resources available to them, to locate information that helps them to answer questions about their world. They will Create, taking their ideas and transforming them into products in many different forms across multiple mediums. They will Collaborate with peers both face-to-face, one-to-one and as a part of much larger communities that cross borders and cultures. They will Communicate for many different purposes and in many ways. These are the purposes that do not change and that as educators we need to include in our teaching.

But what skills should we teach? Computer Games and $1.99 apps for Tablets may have the answer.

Computer games face three challenges of design in that they must be easy to learn, instantly engaging yet sufficiently challenging to maintain the players interest. If a game is too hard for a novice user they will move on to something that offers less resistance. If the game does not offer a challenge the user will become bored or will finish the game too quickly. Good games manage this challenge well and are able to engage the player from first game through many hours of committed use. Great games balance ease of use with increasing complexity, immediate feedback and high levels of engagement. Developers of productivity software could and in some cases are learning much from game developers.

With the launch of the iTunes App store developers had a new market to tap with the $1.99 App. In this market the user has made a very minimal commitment to the App they have just purchased. If it is not immediately engaging, if it does not give instant satisfaction and results they will move on with little regret. The user of the $1.99 app has not committed sufficient coin to the purchase to warrant time spent learning it. The developers know this and the result is that only the apps which are easy to use and quickly meet the users needs will succeed.

Watch a child play a game or use an iPad and you will see how quickly they discover the workings of it. Discovery, inquiry, exploration and engagement combine to ensure rapid learning. The same is not true of programs like Office, but are these programs going to survive into the future. Already suffering because of their reliance on mouse and keyboard in a world of touch, these traditional stalwarts that rely on users taking courses and reading manuals are surely short lived.

So we teach our students to understand the purposes which ICT may assist with, we foster discovery and exploration and we assist our students to locate software and services that meet their needs. As users we demand with our purchasing power apps that meet our needs without imposing a steep learning curve.  It was once said that if you give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he eats for a life time. Today this has changed, now we must teach our students to teach themselves how to fish in waters where the fish learn new skills for dodging hooks on a daily basis.

By Nigel Coutts

Early Days with a Chromebook

For sometime now I have wanted to experiment with a Chromebook, to take on the challenge of living and working in the cloud. Until recently though the purchase of a Chromebook in Australia was not easy but this changed when Google announced local availability. A quick visit to the local JB HiFi and I became the owner of a Samsung Chromebook and a wallet that was only $346 lighter than before.

The experience of purchasing the Chromebook is worthy of some comment. The customers ahead of me were a father and daughter looking for a laptop and asking the clerk about the Chromebook. After a number of somewhat failed attempts to demonstrate what the computer could do he described the device to the pair as being just like a Windows or Mac computer but made running Google's software. I wonder how many people will be told this and leave with a device that they believe will run Word and Photoshop just like any other laptop. How many will then protest that their Chromebook doesn't perform as expected. I hope those charged with selling the product receive the support they need to do a good job of it and that Chromebooks wind up in the right hands.

Unboxing and setting up the Chromebook was unlike any computer I have used before. The box is very thin and light and the manual had fewer pages than a recently purchased toaster despite covering multiple languages. After an initial charging period I turned the computer, typed in my Google login, connected to WiFi and was immediately into my online world of bookmarks and previously opened tabs. A little time spent on the Chrome Web Store and I had access to the core Apps I use such as Evernote, DropBox and Skydrive. It was all very uneventful, no need to find discs of software or wait while software was installed. After 30 minutes of exploration it was as ready to go as it ever will be. With no work to do I put it down and went to make coffee. Such a very different experience from setting up my last Mac which provided hours of 'entertainment' as I installed all my bits and pieces.

So now I am using it for an increasing number of daily tasks and in most ways it is meeting expectation. All but one which is requiring a little rethink. I have used DropBox for years as my cloud storage option. It gives me access to all my files across all my different devices. On my computers I have it set to sync locally stored files so I always have access to the latest version of the files I work with. I can also access my files on the web and the DropBox app for the Chromebook is great too. Except that I don't have a way to edit my files and keep them updadted through DropBox. I have access to Live Office and Google Docs but neither gives me access to my DropBox files so for now I am shuffling files back and forth.

If I was starting over I would use either Google Docs or Skydrive for my cloud storage as both offer editing options for all my files. As I am rather committed to DropBox I am hoping to find a workflow that works with that.

In Other areas I am very impressed. Evernote unsurprisingly works very well and I can edit and publish my websites with ease. I like the keyboard and the new web centric buttons make life easier, or will once I get used to having them avaialble, I am still looking for the refresh button on screen even though I have a key for that exact job. I am getting to know the system a little better and have changed the way I work with Tabs so I can easily shift between workspace with a keyboard press rather than having to mouse between them.

I like that the device is light weight even though it is a little heavier than my Mac and while it is very plasticy it was very cheap and I am happy using it in places where I would be less relaxed using my Mac.

It is only early days but I like my Chromebook and can see how for many people it could be the perfect computer.

By Nigel Coutts

Tools to Help Learners Learn

We all know the adage of teach a person to fish and they will be fed for a lifetime and we can readily see how this fits with education. Ask any teacher about their goals for their class and in the mix will be the idea of creating lifelong learners who can take charge of their own learning. Despite having this goal often we get caught up in the content of what we are teaching and those essential and transferable skills which are required by effective learners are forgotten.

KQED presents a blog post that covers Five Tools to Help Students Learn How to Learn. The article explains the role that good tools play in an inquiry based approach and lists five that are essential:

  1. An Inquiry Community
  2. An Inquiry Circle
  3. The Inquiry Journal
  4. The Inquiry Log
  5. The Inquiry Chart

Learn how to use each tool by reading the blog post at KQED

Eight Essential Elements for Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning can be seen as one of the rising trends in education. It can also be viewed as a trendy reinvention of well worn wheel. Confusion over what makes an effective example of Project Based Learning is the root cause of this argument. Some clarity is required if we are to get Project Based Learning right and achieve the desired outcome for our students.

Fortunately the writers at the Buck Institute for Education have created this check list for Project Based Learning. In a simple format it suggests eight essential elements for a successful project.

Good Assessment Gone Bad

Many teachers find the task of designing an assessment almost as much of a challenge as the Assessment is for their students. Perhaps the difficulty can be found within the stages of an assessment's design from initial concept to its use with a group of students. My goal here is to identify where we might go wrong with our assessments and locate the point at which Good Assessments Go Bad.

Typically when we think about an assessment we have the best of intentions. We want to see what it is that the students have learned, to check that our teaching has resulted in the desired learning. What we don't notice is that we have already made our first mistake and our assessment is  on the road to ruin. We have imagined that we can have a device, a test, a question, an assignment that will provide us with the answer we seek. But if the assessment is not an integral part of our teaching and of the student's learning it will be inherently disconnected from the process of learning. Even worse if it is placed at the end of the process the results will be of little use to those to whom they matter most, the students.

But our assessment is only part of the way towards going bad. The next stage in its downfall comes in the form of external pressures. We also want our assessment to inform our reporting and we want to it to be of value when allocating grades. We need it to be fair, which translates into the 'same for all students'. We want it to place students along a bell curve and as such it is inherently designed so that half of the students will underachieve. We want it to produce data we can readily analyse, so we design it to produce a number. Our assessment, that started life with such an honest goal, is on the verge of turning bad.

The final stage is when we consider our needs in the process. We want an assessment that is easy to administer and easy to mark. We are, after all, time poor. We are also certain that it will be the teacher who marks it and maybe we should give the task to one teacher to ensure equity of marking. Our assessment has undoubtedly gone bad. It is now a 'test' and sadly as this is what many of us are used to from our days as students we barely shed a tear at its demise.

But does it have to be this way, is it inevitable that assessments will 'go bad'. I hope not and the designers of the 'Teaching For Understanding' programme agree.

Assessment needs to be an inherent part of the teaching/learning process. For those who follow 'the learners way' it is focused on the needs of the learner. It is a tool for an effective teacher to use on a regular basis to check their learner is headed in the right direction. A feedback loop that guides their thinking and keeps track of their progress. It never becomes a thing that is done at the end of a unit. It is instead the sum total of every evaluation that the teacher and more importantly the student makes as they engage with their learning.

A new edition to our teaching team (1) has reminded us of the process of 'Traffic Lighting' progress. A simple set of questions asked frequently allows the students to give feedback on their level of understanding. It is a risk free process for the learner and they recognise that it is a part of their learning. Through a simple silent gesture they indicate that they have understood the lesson, are not quite sure or are needing extra support. A simple assessment that immediately leads to an evaluation of the learning that is occurring in the room and as needed an adjustment of the process for all involved.

Teaching for Understanding describes assessment as an essential part of the process of learning. Through simple metaphors they describe how the process of evaluating an athletes performance from training sessions to the playing field is a positive example of assessment in action. The coach is constantly assessing the players performance and constantly giving feedback. This same process occurs between players and at every stage the player is involved in the process too as they are able to evaluate their own performance. This is what assessment should be like in the classroom.

That is not to say there is no place for concluding assessments but the results of these should never be a surprise. The student needs to have been shown where they are going wrong along the way and be empowered by ongoing assessment procedures that they are involved in. Self assessment is a powerful tool and there is good evidence to support its application in every stage of teaching and learning. The student who is involved in the assessment process along the way will have already identified areas for growth and as a result of their relationship with an engaged educator had access to the support they need. When this phase of their learning comes to an end, they will be provided with relevant and meaningful feedback and tools to assess their progress. This concluding assessment becomes the first building block for the next phase of their learning.

This article by Tina Blythe and Associates forms part of the 'Teaching For Understanding Guide' and presents an easily digested outline to designing effective ongoing assessment. The article clearly states that assessment is 'more than just evaluation: it is a substantive contribution to learning'. The article is worth reading again even, if you have completed the Teaching for Understanding course, as it provides clear examples of what good assessment looks like and could help us all stop our assessment from going bad.

   Read 'Ongoing Assessments from TFU'
Learn More about Harvard Courses

(1) With thanks to Jake Turnbull for sharing 'Traffic Lights for Immediate Feedback' 


By Nigel Coutts

12 Things Kids Want From Their Teachers

Today while browsing Google Plus I cam across a posting that grabbed my attention. Titled 'Students share characteristics of their favourite teachers' and written for Edudemic by Bill Powers the post detailed a survey he had conducted with his students to explore '12 things kids want from their teachers'. It turns out the conversation was started by Angela Maiers who asked her students 'What did they want from their teachers?'

This has led to a number of teachers doing the same and sharing the results with the world through Blogs and Social Media. The results make interesting reading and the brave amongst us might like to do the same with our class.

It does make you think, we often set goals with our students and discuss ways they can achieve success. Less often do we engage students in a discussion about what we can do better and yet by not asking the question we ignore the opinions of those with possibly the best view of and most experience with the modern school system.

Read Bill Powers Edudemic Post
Read Reed Gillespie's Blog Article - What Students Want From Their Teachers
Read Angela Maiers Blog Article - 12 Things Kids Want From Their Teachers

Should I teach problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning?

Should I teach problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning?

By Lauren Davis

Lately, there have been a bunch of buzzwords floating around the education world that all seem to mean the same thing. You’ve probably heard them: problem-based learning, project-based learning and inquiry-based learning. Is there a difference? How will you know which one to do in your classroom?

First, let’s start with what they have in common. All of these methods place an emphasis on teaching process, not just content. They require students to make discoveries for authentic audiences and purposes. Using these methods will help you meet the Common Core State Standards, which are all about helping students become independent thinkers who can gather information on their own and use knowledge for real-world tasks.

So you know you want to try one of these teaching methods, but how do you decide which one? Here’s a cheat sheet to understanding the subtle differences and deciding which one is right for you.

Project-based learning

  • Definition: Students create a written, oral, visual or multimedia project with an authentic audience and purpose. Project-based learning is usually done in English, social studies or foreign-language class.
  • Example: Teacher Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s ELA students wanted to fix the broken bell at their school. They developed a thesis, organized a petition, wrote letters and prepared an oral statement that was read to the principal.
  • Teaching Tip: Make sure your project doesn’t just have students regurgitate knowledge. For example, don’t have students make a map that displays information from a textbook. Have students discover their own findings for their projects.
  • For More Info: Edutopia’s Project-Based Learning Professional Development Guide includes a variety of student examples.

Problem-based learning

  • Definition: Students investigate and solve a real-world problem. To do so, students must identify what they already know and what they need to learn, and then they find and apply knowledge. Problem-based learning often takes place in math and science class. It doesn’t necessarily include a project at the end so it doesn’t always take as long as project-based learning.
  • Example: Nancy Sulla, author of “Students Taking Charge: Inside the Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classroom,” gives this science example: Researchers are conflicted on whether we can use certain types of bacteria to clean up radioactive pollution in water. Have students use the scientific method, evaluate data on bacteria, and decide how one bacteria or a combination of them would work effectively as microscopic radioactive pollution eaters.
  • Teaching Tip: Make sure you choose a problem that is open-ended and has no one right answer.
  • For More Info: This site from the University of Delaware offers a variety of problems from which teachers can choose.

Inquiry-based learning

  • Definition: Students explore a question in-depth and ask further questions to gather knowledge. This method is often done in science but can be done in any subject area. The term “inquiry” has been around for years; some people say that problem-based learning is just the new term for the same thing.
  • Example: Teacher Winnifred Bolinsky used inquiry-based learning to help students understand the physics principle of inertia.
  • Teaching Tip: Give students a variety of ways to gather knowledge — not just on the computer but through hands-on learning.
  • For More Info: Examples and video clips of inquiry-based learning can be found on Thirteen’s Edonline site

How are you doing these types of learning experiences in your classroom? Leave a comment for colleagues to read and discuss.

What Motivates Us?

Dan Pink's book Drive has many ideas that resonate well in education. A large section of the book focuses on how goals work in the age of creative, thought-based tasks which you may find interesting. if you have not read the book, RSA Animate who do very clever things with videos have done a great job summarising the book in a ten minute video (see below).

Pink also talks about positive feedback having an enhancing effect on intrinsic motivation with written feedback going even further, something we have recently talked about again in the Junior School as a goal for us all. 

3 Powerful Ways to do a Better Job

Here are three possible ways you can improve your work - and your workplace - this year:

1. Know what you’re doing before you worry about how you’ll do it.

We jump to thoughts of implementation so often in our work, and that tendency creates several problems. We may not know exactly what we’re implementing, why we’re implementing it or how much is possible. By skipping ahead to the details, we begin work that may not make sense—and we unnecessarily constrain ourselves. This year, be mindful about each idea you’re pursuing and determine its larger purpose before running forward with activities. It’s not about what you’re doing but why you’re doing it.

2. Spend at least 15 minutes a day in deliberate thought about something bigger than your to-do list.

This is critical. I believe in mornings - but for some people, it works best to do this exercise at the end of the day to prepare for the next morning. What larger purpose defines you right now? One year from now, what will you be glad you did tomorrow? Ten years from now? What are the big things that need to happen to advance those aspirations? I believe the sum of our efforts each year reflects the rigor we apply to these larger questions. Take a few minutes each day to ask them. You may not have every answer, but you’ll make smarter choices along the way - and let the little crap go more easily. For me, five minutes at the start of my workday plus nightly blogging are tools I use in trying to step out of everyday to-do lists and think about what ideas matter most each day. What tools can you put into place to schedule reflection?

3. Think about what unites your colleagues rather than what’s in it for you.

The best workplaces in the world have something in common: Colleagues embrace a collective vision, and they’d do anything for each other. I’d always prefer to be in that kind of culture than a dog-eat-dog slugfest because it’s better for me and better for my organization. Try to set a course toward that kind of camaraderie. Define what you all want to do together. Along the way, share credit. Recognise the achievements of others. Sacrifice something selfish if it yields a greater good. If you are a manager, you have the chance to transform the experience of those who report to you. Seize it with a spirit of selflessness. In the end, it’s the fastest way to achievement - and happiness - for everyone.

Katya Andersen

COO and CSO at Network for Good

Collaborative Classrooms

What's ideal when it comes to collaboration in our classrooms? Here's one coveted scenario: several children gathered at a table engaged in a high-level task, discussing, possibly debating an issue, making shared decisions, and designing a product that demonstrates all this deeper learning.

As teachers, we'd love to see this right out the gate, but this sort of sophisticated teamwork takes . . .

Read the full article from Edutopia to learn more

Shared by Ari Guha

Pocket - Formerly Read It Later

So often when browsing the web you come across a great article that you don't have the time to read then and there. Other times the page is so distracting that it is not easy to read. For some people reading long form documents is something they prefer to do on a tablet device either and iPad or a similar device running Windows or Android.

Pocket is the answer to all these situations. Install the browser add on and use this to 'Pocket' any site you want to read later. Install the free app on your mobile device/tablet and link this to your pocket account to access the sites you have pocketed.

Pocket allows you to choose between an easy to read version of the site or the option of viewing the full site.

For students this could be a great option for research. They can develop a workflow where they skim read a site, evaluate its relevance and reliability and if they feel it is worth reading in detail they Pocket it to read and reference later.

Visit the Pocket Website to get started


Teach the art of Searching

It is often said that the downside of a free and open web is the challenge it presents to find reliable sources with the information you need. As teachers we need to show our students how to Search, to provide them with skills and strategies so the search engine does the heavy lifting for them.

Google recognises this and has provided a site for teachers that includes teaching resources, tips, daily challenges and live training all aimed at maximising the quality of the results returned for any search.

Read a review by Ed Tech

Visit Google Search Education


Action Research

Action Research can play an important role in improving the results we achieve through our teaching. It encourages us to focus meaningfully on what we do and to seek measures of our success. As a deliberate process it is well worth engaging with but if it is to be done right some planning and knowledge of the process is important.

The links below guide educators through the process and are worth reading before beginning an action research project.

Drawn to Science Education - Action Research Pages

The NSW Department of Education and Training offers the following guide for Action Research

DET - Action Research Guide

Image Courtesy of NSW DET